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Brand User

Welcome to the community TM Mac User!Thanks for your feedback and good observation. Dr. Antivirus is a new program for Mac users and while Dr. Antivirus' main feature seems similar to Antivirus For Mac, the latter offers advanced protection such


6 years ago

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Apple Appstore Trend Micro antivirus "Dr Antivirus" is so much better than regular version why!?

Why is the Apple Appstore Trend Micro antivirus "Dr Antivirus" so much better looking, faster scans, better battery efficiency, cheaper, more features than the regular Mac Antivirus version? Port the improved feature over to the regular version please!


Brand User

Hello wharmse,Welcome to the Community.We are very grateful for your time in sharing this experience. I will definitely let my colleague know of how thankful you are for the support that you received.Regards,Pat


6 years ago

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Great Support

I hade a problem in installing Tren Micro Maximum 2018. I've contacted the support and was assisted by Leiame Dante. I just want to commend her for her assistance and sorting my problem.


Brand User

separate client with similar concern Please reference the new conversation here: How to stop auto-renewal


8 years ago

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Need Help with Renewal

Hello, I have not been on my computer in a while and I just got notification that my subscription expired 22 days ago. I just paid for another year, what do I do now?


Brand User

Hi Amir,I need further information from you about this because I am trying to check the site or replicating it on my end but I did not encounter the same scenario of what you are experiencing about the high CPU usage.Can you try to check and answer t


5 years ago

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this site have not miner code , but cpu usage is high

website " " have not miner code , but when open it . cpu usage is very high.after close website"tab" , cpu usage back to normaly " low "any AV can not detected it .Regards ,Amir


Brand User

Hi Amir,I will endorse this case to one of our senior engineer. I will send you an email for more details of the escalation process, you may reply to the email that I will create within 10-15 minutes.We can continue our conversation through


5 years ago

 to the conversation: 


this site have not miner code , but cpu usage is high

website " " have not miner code , but when open it . cpu usage is very high.after close website"tab" , cpu usage back to normaly " low "any AV can not detected it .Regards ,Amir


Brand User

Hello, davialbergaria. Thank you for posting your idea here and welcome to Trend Micro community. Having a Trend Micro Password Manager in Opera Browser would be a great idea but we cannot assure you that it will be fulfilled. And I really see that t


7 years ago

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[IDEA] Support the Opera browser

Hi team.I would suggest that "Trend Micro Password Manager" could support Opera browser ( as a plugin. I use Opera and when I use "Trend Micro Password Manager" I need to open another browser.I believe that Opera is a fairly used browser as well.Thank you!


Brand User

Hi Max Slo,Thank you for imparting your knowledge to the community.This is a good read. Keep it coming and this is a good way for being aware of what is out there.We hope to hear more from you and the others!Thank you and have a great week! :)Trend M

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Phishing: what to do and what NOT to do

-I'm not a Trend Micro representative, but I like to give you some suggestion-Phishing: an email or any other kind of contact that ask you to visit a fraudolent web page. Nigerian Phishing: an email that ask for your help to convince you to pay for several (fraudolent) reasons. An up-to-date so


Brand User
Brand User
Brand User
Brand User

Hello Dini,Welcome to the Community.Please try Tom Emmelot's suggestion. Please get back to us if you still encounter the same issue after exhausting all three options from the provided solution.Regards,Pat


6 years ago

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Slow performance when running

I was wondering what was causing stuff to be slow as I have a good computer and don't really install programs to affect my system. Disabled Trend Micro and stuff instantly started loading as it normally should. I will not enable it again until I know it won't actually affect my PC. It scans things t


Brand User

Hello dentrev1 and sorry to hear that you're encountering this issue.It seems that the Trend Micro Internet Security is not included on start-up program list that is why the icon is not on your computer's system tray when you restart yo


6 years ago

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icon missing in system tray

turn on pc and red icon does not appear in system tray (not taskbar). If I click on shortcut icon (on main screen) the red icon appearsTo fix this concern, you just need to click and drag the Trend Micro icon in the system tray then it should stay in there and would show up when you open your devi


Brand User

Hello Bob Mento and welcome to the community!Sorry for the inconvenience, can you please follow the solution provided in the link below: Slow PC performance due to high CPU or memory usage of CoreServiceShell.exeLet me know any update. 


6 years ago

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HIGH CPU usage with Windows 10 1803 (17134.1)

Updated to Windows 10 1803 (17134.1) known as April release 2018. I have an AIO to cool my CPU, and Trend Micro throttles my CPU and makes the fans ramp up and down constantly.  I am finding temperature spikes of up to 15C each time TM causes the CPU to spike high.  The only way to get th


Brand User

Hi michael.fuhrmann and welcome to the community!Thank you for reaching us with this concern. may we know what folder are you referring to? and can we also have a screenshot on how are you setting up the Folder Shield?If you want to know how to


7 years ago

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Eigene Ordner im Ordnerschutzschild/Own Folders in Folder Protection

Hallo, leider werden mir bei der Windows-Software im Ordnerschutzschild nicht alle Ordner angezeigt, die ich auf dem laufwerk C habe und schützen möchte. Wie kann ich hier Ordner hinzufügen, die mir nicht angezeigt werden bzw. wie kann ich sie anzeigen lassen? Vielen Dank und viele Grüße Michael Fah


Brand User

Hi michael.fuhrmann,Thank you so much for your response.For this may we know the exact location of "Eigen" folder?Thank you.

 to the conversation: 


Eigene Ordner im Ordnerschutzschild/Own Folders in Folder Protection

Hallo, leider werden mir bei der Windows-Software im Ordnerschutzschild nicht alle Ordner angezeigt, die ich auf dem laufwerk C habe und schützen möchte. Wie kann ich hier Ordner hinzufügen, die mir nicht angezeigt werden bzw. wie kann ich sie anzeigen lassen? Vielen Dank und viele Grüße Michael Fah


Brand User

Hi @nelsonsephiria and welcome to the community!Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Sorry that you're having problems with our product. We have reviewed your issue and based on your problem description, here's a reference doc to solve thi

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Protection Disable

My Trend antivirus keep asking for restart to fix the problem and i already done that almost 5th time and still the problem didn't fix yet . I need help to resolve this problem


Brand User

Hi @starry44 and welcome to Trend Micro Community!Thank you for asking here and we are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you.Please know that we are already aware of this issue. Rest assured that we'll have a dedicated team to work on the f

 to the conversation: 


Mobile security Usage Data tracking

Just started receiving message "Mobile security hasn't been tracking my data for over a week" I have checked every setting, nothing has changed, why has it stopped working? Iphone 6s subscription ends July 17 and Trend Micro Internet Security.


Brand User
Brand User

Hi Dave,You can try out this guide: Experiencing issues when running a scan with Trend Micro Security softwareAlso, thank you for being a subscriber of our premium support service! Premium Service Plan gives you 24x7 priority access to a Trend Micro


8 years ago

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Stuck scanning

The program started scanning my computer and got stuck at 12%. I ended the process but when i try to scan or update, it says that it is still scanning. I tried to end the entire program process to restart it but it will not allow me. What do i do?
