bpb118's profile

5 Messages


220 Points

Saturday, November 18th, 2017 3:11 PM


Windows 10 version 1709 not installing.

I am trying to upgrade to the new Windows 10 version 1709 but it fails stating that Trend Micro Internet Security 2007 needs to be uninstalled in order to upgrade. I'm running Trend Micro Internet Security version 2018. How do I remove the Trend Micro Internet Security 2007?

3 Messages


150 Points

7 years ago


Check on your registry the following location:

\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\UpgradeMigration

You will see all the software making issues and where is the location for the detection, in my case it was a very old folder containing internet security 2009 installation. Just delete it and the problem was fixed.


5 Messages


220 Points

7 years ago

When I dug down into the registry they way you suggested and I do not have the UpgradeMigration folder.  Any other places to look?

Elite Solutionist


1.4K Messages


33.4K Points

Hi bpb118,

Just uninstall TM ,Reboot, then do a search for "Trend Micro" and Delete all you find!
Then try the update, is a big won, takes 3/4 hour or so depending on on your internet speed and hardware. Then install TM 2018 again.
Good luck!

Kind regards,

5 Messages


220 Points

Thank you for the suggestion.  I usually try and stay away from the uninstall/reinstall but if this is the easiest way to get the Windows upgrade installed, I'll do it.  Thanks again.

3 Messages


150 Points

7 years ago

I've complete the migration, I don't have this key anymore.
Try to access it while you get the window asking you to manually remove trend micro, because I think that if you cancel the installation, the key is removed.

485 Messages


10.6K Points

7 years ago

Hello there bpb118!

We would like to apologize for the delay in response

You may want to try to uninstall the Trend Micro program through the Diagnostic Toolkit. If I understand this correctly, the system is asking you to remove an older version (2007 version). This will require the Old version of the Diagnostic Toolkit as well. 

Kindly click on this link and refer to the detailed instructions provided:

Uninstalling Trend Micro Security and older programs for Windows using the Diagnostic Toolkit

We will be looking forward for the positive results. 

All the best,

Trend Micro Home Users Community

2 Messages


142 Points

7 years ago

Having the same issue on the 1709 update:

Some apps need to be uninstalled
These programs need to be uninstalled because they aren't compatible with the upgrade.
  • Trend Micro Internet Security 2009

I click "Uninstall and continue" and Windows says:

We couldn't uninstall these apps
You'll need to remove these apps yourself, and then select Refresh.
These programs need to be uninstalled because they aren't compatible with the upgrade.
  • Trend Micro Internet Security 2009

I have tried:
1) uninstalling my current version of Trend Micro Internet Security 2018
2) running the Trend Micro Remnant File Remover tool
3) running the Diagnotstic Toolkit suggested above
4) manually searching for the words Trend in the registry (none found)
5) manually searching for any files called Trend on the C drive (none found)
6) reinstalling the current version of Trend Micro Internet Security 2018

and nothing works.

3 Messages


150 Points

7 years ago

You should have an old installation program on your PC, try my solution to find it, look at the registry when you have the popup open saying you have to remove the program manually.




167 Messages


3.8K Points

7 years ago

Hello Christophe, and thank you for your suggestion.

Hello cale and welcome to the community.

Aside from doing the steps that Christophe has suggested. Please try to find the name "TMAS" on the Registry editor and on the C: drive or any other drives that you have. And also please find the "windows.old" folder on the C: drive or other drives and delete them and check if the issue still persist.

I hope this helps, we will wait for your reply.

Thank you and have a great day!

Trend Micro Home Users Community

5 Messages


220 Points

7 years ago

There are hundreds of instances of "TMAS" on my machine.  Any suggestions for easy removal?  Would uninstalling TM do the trick?

Elite Solutionist


1.4K Messages


33.4K Points

7 years ago


Read all the answers!

Kind regards,

2 Messages


142 Points

7 years ago

Like the other user, I didn't have that registry key. Checked during install as well.
Searching for 'TMAS' in the registry provided zero results.
But deleted every file or folder with the words TMAS in them that could potentially be related, finally one of them worked, not sure which one though, thanks!

39 Messages


680 Points

7 years ago

Hello everyone!

Thank you for your inputs! Anyway, bpb118, you might want to try the solutions provided by our community members. I will also provide a detailed solution below to fix this issue.

Step 1: Check what file Windows is detectingby going to registry entry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/WindowsNT/CurrentVersion/AppCompatFlags/UpgradeMigration"

Step 2: Delete the file in registry entry’svalue data (There should be a path file under the tab 'Data'. Kindly delete that specific file.)

Step 3: Try Doing a Windows update again.

Note: If registry entry does not exist, use Windows searchto search for the following keywords:
       - TAV
       - TIS
       - TISPro

Kindly delete any folder or installer relatedto these keywords (confirm if they are Trend Micro program related files)

Feel free to reply to this thread if you have any questions, so we can assist you further.

By the way, bpb118, you might also want to contact our phone support for easier troubleshooting since you are under Premium subscription. You may refer to this link for ways on how to contact our support.

Thank you and good day!

Trend Micro Home Users Community

1 Message


132 Points

Thanks to TM_Von for the hints about search and destroy to purge the C: of zombie files. After checking for the multiple aliases the TM 2009 had been using, and deleting >50 files and folders, the upgrade to version 1709 finally succeeded..
Brand User



262 Messages


5K Points

Hi schmitrw,

Thank you for confirming that the upgrade of the operating system has now succeeded.

If in case you have other concerns, please do not hesitate to post it here. Other community users would also be glad to help you on it.

Thank you and good day!

Trend Micro Home Users Community

1 Message


130 Points

Thank you. No joy on the reg approach. Worked perfectly on the key word search. For those trying in the future with the keyword search approach...it is imperative you search ALL of the drives in your system (hence the "my computer or "this PC" reference) as the problematic files may not be on your OS drive (e.g. C:), especially if you reserve dedicated drives for application use or have re-purposed a drive for storage. In my case  the 167 old files blocking the update were located on an old drive dedicated to application installs. File dates were from 2013.

5 Messages


220 Points

7 years ago

After putting off the task or removing the old bits and pieces of TM2007, I finally just uninstalled my current copy of TM2017.  There were still old 2007 files on my PC so I searched and found them, deleted them and then reinstalled TM2017.  After removing all the old TM2007 files I was able to install the Windows 1709 upgrade.  Thank you everyone for your help and suggestions.

485 Messages


10.6K Points

It is nice to know that we, members of the community, were able to help you with this problem.

Should you have inquiries, TM related issues or ideas, feel free to post it here!

Have a wonderful day!

Trend Micro Home Users Community

5 Messages


150 Points

I am having the same problem  and despite doing all of the above can still not install this windows upgrade.  This is a new computer windows 10 purchased in june 2017 and had trend micro 2017 installed
(now uninstalled).  i found some old installation files in a download folder for previous editions and deleted them.  Any further advice?

25 Messages


520 Points


Click the link below for the step by step procedure on how to resolve the issue: 

Unable to update Windows 10 due to remnants of old versions of Trend Micro Security



5 Messages


150 Points

G'day Nick and thanks for your speedy response.  I've just  tried what you suggested and unfortunately it hasn't resolved the situation.

25 Messages


520 Points

Hi dscarlet,

There might be some files from the old Trend Micro that is not yet deleted on the computer that is why it keeps on detecting it.

Since you mentioned that you already try the recommended steps, try again to manually search for some more Trend Micro files on your computer. If you did not locate any Trend Micro files anymore and still the issue persist, I will recommend you to contact our Phone Support for us to check on the issue.



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