


4 Messages


160 Points

Sunday, February 19th, 2023 5:44 PM



Irritating Trend Micro Max Security Pop-Up Suggesting to Use Google Chrome Toolbar

Irritating Trend Micro Max Security Pop-Up Suggesting to Use Google Chrome Toolbar.

Link is offered to "Don't Show This Again" and it never stops it. 

I don't want to use Chrome Toolbar by TM.  

Aggravating enough that canceling subscription is a very real option if it continues. 

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Accepted Solution

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


866 Messages


34.9K Points

1 year ago

Thank you for your patience!

Here's the fix for this concern.  Install the hotfix.

Trend Micro pop-up appears after clicking Do not show this again. 




25 Messages


560 Points

It's been almost a week since I applied the fix.

It's been almost a week without that annoying pop-up.

Thank you very much @tm_carlo, @tm_kree.



25 Messages


560 Points

Well. It's been a week now and... Guess what? @tm_carlo , @tm_kree 




25 Messages


560 Points

It keeps popping up. It's been almost two weeks since I applied the hotfix.



25 Messages


560 Points

And again...



311 Messages


7.6K Points

1 year ago

said the same thing here:


It seems like the toolbar is the main tool which helps TM to collect info about your  browsing habits.....

Install it in Chrome and disable it after. Also turn OFF "Social Networking Protection"



Brand User

Trend Security Expert


866 Messages


34.9K Points

Hi @tracyanorris!
Hi @claudiubotezatu

We only collect URLs. We use these URLs in checking and cross-examination with our threat intelligence database. We don't collect users browsing habits and data.

Have a good one!




311 Messages


7.6K Points


Why do you need to collect URLs , as long as Web protection is already part of TM main application????

Collecting URLs from a specific computer /user is exactly collecting users browsing habits

This is from OPSWAT:

"Most toolbars are embedded into the browsers and collect private data. Even reputable toolbars from companies like [...]have this behavior"



25 Messages


560 Points

Hello @tm_kree .

What ever the TM's toolbar collects or doesn't collect is besides the point.

The point is clicking on "Don't show this again" does not work as it should, since the annoying pop-up keeps popping up back again. This too happens for me quite a few times a day.

And, to address what was said by @tm_gela  here "Don't show this again" means don't show this again, not "show me this again in 24 hours".

I believe we all expect this to be fixed soon.

We shouldn't be forced to install it and disable it just to get rid of the notification.

And, please, recognize and accept that the intention, goal, benefits and whatever else about the TM toolbar is OFF-TOPIC.


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Trend Security Expert


236 Messages


4.8K Points

Hi @alfredo​, 

Trend Micro Toolbar uses a rating system to tell you if sites you are searching for are SAFE or DANGEROUS.


Using the toolbar is advisable as it adds an additional layer of security while browsing the internet. May I ask why you chose not to use the Trend Micro Toolbar for Chrome?



25 Messages


560 Points

Hi @tm_carlo.

I'm sorry. I thought I was being clear.

Let me try to explain myself again.

We don't care what the toolbar does or does not.

We don't care what the toolbar uses or doesn't use.

We don't care if using the toolbar is advisable or not.

We don't care what the toolbar adds or doesn't add.

We don't care what the toolbar subtracts or doesn't subtract.

I hate to be impolite, but the lack of focus on the subject is forcing me to be so: No, you may not. You may not ask things that are irrelevant, superfluous or unrelated in any way to how to stop the annoying pop-up WITHOUT having to install the toolbar.

I do hope I'm being clear enough this time around.

Thank you.



4 Messages


160 Points

1 year ago

That is not the issue. The issue is that you force people to either use the Trend Micro toolbar protection or be endlessly harassed by the pop-up. 

To further inflame the issue you falsely offer to “Don’t show this again” tick box that has no effect at stopping the irritating pop up. 
advise of how to stop showing the popular or this customer will not be renewing. 



25 Messages


560 Points

1 year ago

Here it is again.



25 Messages


560 Points

1 year ago

... and again (only 12 and a half hours later...)



311 Messages


7.6K Points


Just for the sake of experiment, install the toolbar and disable it after , in browser (Manage extensions)



4 Messages


160 Points

Just for the sake of argument




25 Messages


560 Points


I won't do that in any of my physical devices.

If there is something in particular you want me to try, I'm willing to do it in a disposable VM. If it is to make me see that installing it, and disabling it makes the pop-up go away, I don't care for it.

I won't agree to install the toolbar in any real device. The point of all of this, of this thread, of this complaint, is exactly NOT having to install something we don't want to install.



311 Messages


7.6K Points


The "toolbar" is a browser extension (there are hundred of browser extensions) you can simply add to your browser (Chrome in my situation) and disable it.

Is a common practice , not brain surgery!

But enough talking about this .

Do whatever you seem fit for your "physical device"





25 Messages


560 Points


Thank you.

I know perfectly what a toolbar is. It's people's common practice to install whatever they are asked to install, not mine. I refuse anything and everything I don't consider useful to me. For me, it is bloatware. It's as simple as that.

Thank you, again. Thank you for having enough of this. I've had enough of people trying to get me to install things I simply don't want to install. Thank you for finally "letting" me do whatever I seem fit for my physical device.



25 Messages


560 Points

1 year ago

Guess what!

Here it is, again... A bit late, but probably because I turned off my computer for a few hours this morning.



25 Messages


560 Points

1 year ago



311 Messages


7.6K Points


Do you know the definition of "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different result?"

Stop posting the same screen shot, we got it.

Be open minded and try some different approaches .. is not going to kill you or your "physical device"



25 Messages


560 Points

Yes, I know the definition. Why?

I don't post the same screenshot. Every single screenshot is different. That's exactly the point.

If you wan't to stop receiving notifications from this thread, why don't you try a different approach and simply unfollow it. It won't kill you.

This simple set of actions have a very specific purpose, which is to draw the attention from Trend Micro to a malfunctioning feature (the "Don't show this again" link).

I know you can't solve this, so there's no need for you to keep replying.

Any @tm* should.

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


236 Messages


4.8K Points

Hello @alfredo

Thank you for your patience. Since this issue has been reoccurring we will contact you via email to perform troubleshooting and to get logs if possible. 

@tracyanorris we'll keep you posted about this as well. 

Thank you!



25 Messages


560 Points

Hey @tm_carlo ,

Thank you for calling me back yesterday.

I have just installed the hotfix, and so far so good. I will post back with an update within a few days. I really hope this fix solves the issue permanently.

Perhaps you should also share it with @tracyanorris. We could both test it and report back.

P.S: I guess I was crazy for persevering ;-).

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


236 Messages


4.8K Points

That's great, @alfredo; I just wanted to double check if you were still receiving the notification.

Hi @tracyanorris

Thank you for your patience!

An article has been published that contains the fix. Here's the Trend Micro pop-up appears after clicking Do not show this again. 

Hope this helps!


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