ben's profile

4 Messages


170 Points

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017 1:08 AM


Original password vulnerability

My original password still work on websites I visit, so how does the master password protect me from having the old ones hacked? Do I need to reset the passwords at each site perhaps?

63 Messages


1.2K Points

7 years ago

Hi ben, Welcome to the Community!

I understand that you want to know how does the master password from Password Manager protects you from being hacked.

To clear things out, master password is a combination of username and password which you use to access certain websites. It is just like a key to open doors. If you use easy-to-hack passwords, and save them to browsers, you are handing out the keys to your personal information to anyone online.

Technically, you use Password Manager for easier login but once a hacker knows your password for a certain website, they will still be able to access your account even if they do not know your master password. 

If someone already knows your password, I suggest that you reset it.

Should you have further inquiries, don't hesitate to post here on our community.

Thank you and have a great day!

Trend Micro Home Users Community

4 Messages


170 Points

7 years ago

Thanks however what I mean is I have enabled password manager which is great however my original passwords still work on websites (meaning I can log in with or without password manager) To me it would seem my old password is still vulnerable?



167 Messages


3.8K Points

7 years ago

Hello ben,

Thank you for the prompt response and apologies for the late reply.

When you use the Password Manager program to login to your websites, it encrypts the data that it automatically fills up on the Username and Password field. This means that if you have for an instance a key logger it will not be able to record your password since it is encrypted and securely logs you in. Also the Password Manager has a dedicated secure browser to add another layer of security, you can enable this so that when you click on the saved passcard the dedicated browser will open. You can click on this link for you to see how you can enable the secure browser feature.

Using the Secure Browser feature of Password Manager

The Password Manager program can also help you change your password to make it even stronger. Just click on this link for you to see how the program can help you change your password.

Using the Password Generator of your Password Manager

I hope this is able to answer your concern.

Thank you!

Trend Micro Home Users Community

4 Messages


170 Points

7 years ago

Thanks, I get that.

What Im trying to explain is this,

Lets say I often use website ABC with password 1234. Now I move to password manager and start logging in via my master password. This is great however I can still use my original password 1234 to log in to website ABC directly.
This would mean that all of my original passwords for sites I visit regularly are still accessible using 1234 which I have probably used for multiple sites. Therefore if a site gets hacked and they get my 1234 password they can still login as me at these sites rendering the password manager futile.

Am I correct?

Elite Solutionist


1.4K Messages


33.4K Points

7 years ago

Hi Ben,

The password manager is only a protected program with a map with all your passwords and names and sites  that you put in to it. So it does nothing with the sites you are going to and if you nowe name and password you can always login, with ore without the manager!
But as Justine suggested , use the password generator to change the passwords!

Kind regards,

42 Messages


950 Points

7 years ago

Hello, everyone.

Thank you, @Tom Emmelot for your reply!

Hi, @ben!

We understand that you want your one and only password to be protected from hackers who will try to steal for them to access your other accounts.

Password Manager can do the following:

Prevent Key Logging 
- Utilizing the auto-form filling feature prevents you from typing the details manually.

Secures your Passwords using a Master Password
- Managing 1 password to secure all your passwords prevents hackers from accessing all your passwords.

Since you only have one password for all your accounts on different websites, the best suggestion is to change your password; The Master Password will help you manage these no matter how many passwords you have. It is important to take note and remember the Master Password since it's the key that holds your passwords. Creating a strong password is best to prevent hackers from stealing it. 

I hope this information helps.
Please let us know if this answered your inquiry.

Thank you!
TrendMicro Home Users Community 

4 Messages


170 Points

7 years ago

Thank you

485 Messages


10.6K Points

7 years ago

Hello ben !

You are most welcome. We would like to know if there is anything else that we can help you with or any other inquiry that you have in mind? Do not hesitate to ask again.

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Trend Micro Home Users Community

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