


2 Messages


120 Points

Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 11:19 AM


User interface

The date format on the trend Micro interface does not match my location or my chosen interface. This makes many dates ambiguous, and is confusing to the user. I notice that BVasilev complained very politely about this 2-3 years ago, was given a vague answer and the subject immediately closed. It was never attended to. To correct this error is very basic international programming, and would be very simple to fix. Failure to fix it indicates either lazy programming or incompetence (I doubt it is the latter). To continue to use incorrect date formatting prolongs the insult, and you should respond, but not close the topic until it is fixed.

Russell Crosser.

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


236 Messages


4.8K Points

9 months ago

Hi @russellcrosser,

Thank you for bringing this up!

Are you referring to the Trend Micro subscription expiration date that you see on your Trend Micro main console?

This happens because the subscription expiration date format in our records is set as MM-DD-YYYY, and this format is what your program picks up and displays in the Subscription Information. It all depends on the information stored in our records.

I'll go ahead and reach out to our dedicated team to check on this, and I'll be sure to provide you with an update here.

Thanks so much!

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


236 Messages


4.8K Points

Hi @russellcrosser

I wanted to provide you with an update on this matter. Currently, it's still a known issue for the latest version, and we are still considering this to be fixed in the next version release.

Thanks for your understanding!



2 Messages


120 Points


Thanks for your replies. I don't really understand why it is so hard to fix. I can suggest an easy fix which would satisfy me and those in the UK.

Either change your date format from MM-DD-YYYY to MMM-DD-YYY, or make it MM-DD-YYYY (MMM-DD-YYYY).

This would display today  as "Nov-10-2023", or as "11-10-2023 (Nov-10-2023)"

Either way would remove the ambiguity.


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Trend Security Expert


140 Messages


3.3K Points

Hi @russellcrosser,

We highly appreciate your feedback.

Changes do not simply apply to Windows locale date/time but to all existing logic handling date/time on UI. Our developers are already considering this in the next version. 

In the meantime, you may check our published article about

Known Issues (Trend Micro Security for Windows).

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