


2 Messages


120 Points

Monday, June 24th, 2024 4:10 PM

Trend Micro Wifi Protection won't install Windows 11 Store

I recently re-installed Windows 11 from a recovery drive.

The system is now fully updated and working fine.

However I can not download Trend Micro Wifi Protection from the Windows 11 store.
When I try it gets to the 'Aquiring Licence' phase, but it wont go past 1%
it then throws the following error:

Sorry about that!

Something went wrong. We're aware of the issue and working to fix it. Try refreshing or come back later.
Code: 0xC0EA000A

I have tried downloading the VPN Pro One installer from trend micro website directly, it has the same problem

'Couldn't download app, we're taking you to the windows store to continue.'

I have tried:

resetting the windows store app

repairing the store app

resetting the store app

deleting the local cache in the windows store local files

resetting the windows time and region services via the services utility

running the powershell command Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers| Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}

using the slmgr reset commands in Powershell

my account region settings are fine, my region is set to Australia and the app is available in my region

I cant figure it out. but as it stands I am paying for a service that I cannot use. 

it is definitely compatible with my system: Surface Pro 9 i7 because I was using the program prior to reloading windows only the day before. it worked fine.

I honestly don't know why Trend Micro is funnelling us all through the poxy windows 11 store front. why cant they just release an executable to install their software on their website? I have an up to date and paid in full subscription, I am entitled to use the service I am paying for. 
I hope someone knows how to deal with this issue.

Thank you

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


87 Messages


1.8K Points

4 days ago

Hi @holtsean818 ,
Welcome to Trend Micro Online Community.
For safety measures, let's remove first the computer from the registered devices through the account portal.
Sign in to account.trendmicro.com and remove the computer from the registered devices under Public Wifi Protection.
Now perform a system file checker on an elevated command prompt.
Simply run the cmd as an administrator and then enter "sfc /scannow"
Please take note of the result of the scan. But, regardless of the result, restart the computer.
Lastly, clear and reset the Microsoft Store cache using Win + R > "wsreset.exe" then another restart.
See if this sequence will help.
Also, it would be best if you take this to our phone support. Having this checked real-time by one of our engineers would be great.

1-800-653-607 | AU | Premium Hotline


Let me know how it goes.




2 Messages


120 Points

Thanks for the feedback.

I got it working!
i dont know how, i updated the intel soc drivers and the next thing i know the software is showing up in my recently installed tab.
Whatever you did in the background must have worked.

I'm happy and able to use the program now.

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


87 Messages


1.8K Points

Hi @holtsean818 ,


Glad that it is now working.


If you need further help, feel free to reach us here.


Thanks a lot.


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