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Trend Security Expert


866 Messages


34.9K Points

Friday, July 9th, 2021 5:46 AM


Spot the Scam: Snapchat 2FA, Costco raffle, Amazon, Hulu refund, and PayPal verification

Spot the Scam: Snapchat 2FA, Costco raffle, Amazon, Hulu refund, and PayPal 




This week the Trend Micro Check team spotted 3 SMS scams and 2 phishing emails



Did you experience receiving these SMS Scams? Tell us in the comment section.



 Snapchat Verification Code Scam


Snapchat Verification Code Scam. Source: Twitter

Snapchat Verification Code Scam. Source: Twitter




Costco Survey Scam


Costco survey scam.

Costco survey scam.




Amazon Survey Scam


Amazon survey scam.

Amazon survey scam.




Hulu Refund Confirmation Phishing Email


Scam Alert_Hulu_0628

Fake Hulu email. Source: Twitter


Fake Hulu refund page


Fake Hulu refund page.




PayPal “Account Limited” Phishing Email


PayPal email scam and fake PayPal login page. Source: Twitter

PayPal email scam and fake PayPal login page. Source: Twitter





Learn more about these scams. Read the full article here. Protect yourself with Trend Micro Check, try the free app now.

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


866 Messages


34.9K Points

3 years ago

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