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Friday, July 8th, 2022 5:23 AM


Phishing Scams that you Need to Watch Out

Phishing Scams that you Need to Watch Out


Fake emails and text messages are the ways for scammers to make users login to their fake websites. These fake websites look similar to or almost the same as the original brand.

Let’s see the fake emails and text messages from Home Depot, Walmart, Amazon Prime, Crocs, and Mail Server.


Amazon Prime

  • You won’t be able to watch all your favorite Amazon Prime shows until the payment issue has been fixed {URL}

The provided URL will lead users to a fake Amazon log-in page. 





Home Depot

Scammers will trick users to click an attached link to a fake reward:

  • The HomeDEP0T 1 Day Summertime SpeciaI! A CompIimentry Dewalt XTREMRE DriIl and 100 bucks if you go here today <URL> stop to end


The link will take users to a fake online survey page and will further ask for personal information after completing the survey.






Scammers use iPadAir as a reward to trick users.

  • You may have been chosen you, as the Iucky WlNNER of the new lPad AlR. Be the first to have AppIes newest tabIet! Snag Here! <URL> Stop to End



The fake website will ask users to enter credit card details.




Mail Server

Users will see an email asking them to clean up mailbox storage.




Entering any information here will allow scammers to steal whatever will be submitted. 




Crocs Shopping

Scammers use fake online shops to send phishing text messages. 

  • [crocs_sale] weekly special promotions. all 70% off . extra $10 off for $99. buy now from hxxps://www.hldtjj[.]shop/?0625 reply stop unsubscribe

Legitimate website: crocs[.]com



Fake  website: hldtjj[.]shop



Make time to check the article here and learn the new schemes to watch out for!


How to Protect Yourself

  • Double-check the sender’s mobile number/email address.
  • Free gifts and prizes are always a major red flag.
  • Go to the official website/application instead of using links from unknown sources.
  • Never click on links or attachments from unknown sources. Use Trend Micro Check to surf the web safely (it’s free!).
  • Add an extra layer of protection to your device with Trend Micro Maximum Security. Its Web Threat Protection, Ransomware Protection, Anti-phishing, and Anti-spam Protection can help you combat scams and cyberattacks. Click the button below to give it a try:


- TM_Kath

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