


14 Messages


414 Points

Saturday, April 9th, 2022 2:38 AM



Mystery file reported as no threat

I keep getting these Trend popups that say something like "no threats found in cd49725f-0221-4cf3-85d3-ca9e68d2c2df" (this is the latest one). I've not clicked on or otherwise downloaded any files. Is my machine infected with malware?

Accepted Solution



311 Messages


7.6K Points

2 years ago

The answer provided as "Official Solution" is not a solution but rather an explanation!

So, just click on "Do not show this again" and you are done.

The pop-up is anyway useless; if there is a detection will be blocked, anyway.


Brand User

Trend Security Expert


766 Messages


15.4K Points

Hi @claudiubotezatu​,

The No threats found with random letters, numbers, and characters pop-ups are because of Chrome browser download updates. Trend Micro is giving assurance to users that these downloaded updates are safe through the pop-ups. Users will not get any download notification again if they click Do not show this again

Trend Micro will truly block any malicious files downloaded as securing one's online journey is our purpose.

- TM_Kath

- TM_Kath



311 Messages


7.6K Points


"Trend Micro is giving assurance to users that these downloaded updates are safe through the pop-ups"

Hello tm_kath

Most , if not all antiviruses, will issue a pop-up is something ir wrong /detected , not when something is right.

There is no point in confusing the users with a message "No threads found"

If a thread is being found, the user will get anyway a warning.



14 Messages


414 Points

@tm_kath​ This sounds like speculation. Have you any evidence to support the contention that cd49725f-0221-4cf3-85d3-ca9e68d2c2df is, in fact, a Google Chrome update?



14 Messages


414 Points

Perhaps a better popup message would be "No threats found in the latest Google Chrome update."  

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


766 Messages


15.4K Points

Hi @phillight2000​,

The findings by our Developers are based on the analyzed logs where the popup message also appears. 

Thanks for your suggestion for improving the message, we'll pass it on to our Developers.

- TM_Kath

- TM_Kath

Official Response

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


766 Messages


15.4K Points

2 years ago

Hi Community members!

It is the Download File Scan feature from Trend Micro that notifies you when there is a downloaded file on your Windows computer.

Our Dev team was able to identify that detected and scanned files are from the Google Chrome browser. These downloaded files keep their program version up-to-date.

Since the downloaded file has no threats, you can click the X button to close the window.

You may check this link to know more about the pop-up:

No threats found pop up from Trend Micro when using Chrome

- TM_Kath

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


764 Messages


13.6K Points

2 years ago

Hi phillight2000,


To further check this,  can you please provide us the following information:
1. Trend Micro Security version:
2. Exact Error message if any
3. Screenshots of the problem if possible

Awaiting for your response.

- TM_Rochelle



14 Messages


414 Points


Sorry, just now seeing this. 

Version:  17.7.1472

There is no error message - just a little Trend popup in the lower-right of the screen that says something to the effect that no thread was detected in a file with a very long filename. Maddeningly, it only appears for a second or two and then disappears. It's so fast (and rare) that I haven't been able to screen-capture it or even read it carefully. Is there a log of such notifications?



14 Messages


414 Points

And, thanks.



4 Messages


180 Points

2 years ago

Hi Phillight2000,

I have been getting the same popup messages, but the numbers are different every time and it is impossible to snap a pic of it because I am either in a game or working on a Word document etc.. before I can get to it. I thought by clicking on it, but would stop it from going away, but it does not.

Brand User



445 Messages


8.6K Points

Hi agrier1972,


I have sent you an email where we can continue the troubleshooting, please confirm if you have received it. Thanks!


Awaiting for your response.


- TM_Angelo



1 Message


70 Points

What was the outcome of this?



14 Messages


414 Points

@agrier1972​ Hi, sorry for the long delay in answering. This is not resolved. I am still getting these alerts every day or two - but it's just too brief to react to it or even read it carefully.

Brand User



682 Messages


10.1K Points

Hi, aekerek and phillight2000.


These detections might be coming from the hash values of your downloaded files or extensions. Rest assured that your devices are safe.


For better investigation, are you able to check the exact location of these files? Let us know in case you have any idea. You can also check if these files are on your Downloads folder.


By the way, I emailed both of you. Let us assist you from there.

- TM_Kim



4 Messages


180 Points


Hi, I am not able to tell where they are coming from nor am I able to located where the files went. They only show up in the pop up window and no other location.



14 Messages


414 Points

2 years ago

This is the big frustration. It is impossible to identify what file the alert is referring to. The alert is unexpected and so brief that I don't even have time to read through it completely. It pops up, and then a second later, pops back down. I don't even have enough time to screenshot it - my reaction time is too slow. The concern is that this alert occurs at a time when NOTHING has been recently downloaded - at least not intentionally. Basically, it's saying "That file that you just downloaded appears to be safe" but my natural reaction is "WHAT FILE?! I haven't downloaded anything! What are you talking about?!"


Brand User



682 Messages


10.1K Points

We understand your frustrations, phillight2000 and agrier1972.


We would like to further investigate your case. Kindly send us a reply and let us assist you from there.


- TM_Kim



3 Messages


120 Points

2 years ago

I'm getting the same popups. It's really maddening. Like phillight2000 says, there's no way of knowing where the file is, where it was downloaded from, etc. The popups are annoying, but what really worries me are the supposed files I've been downloading. Please help, and please make the solution public.

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


766 Messages


15.4K Points

Hi @fedebuch​ and Community members,

Welcome to Trend Micro Home Users Community!

Notifications you receive are ways of the Trend Micro program to let you know that the files you downloaded are safe. 

The notifications should only appear when you download a file. To check if this is caused by browser scripts, please try to clear your browser cache and let us know the result.

Here's a guide on how to clear browser cache:

How to clear web browser cache on Windows

If you would like to stop seeing this pop-up, you may click the Do not show this again hyperlink when it appears.

To further investigate what causes the issue, we'll be glad if you can provide the following information:
- Browser you are using:
- Website you visiting or activities on your computer when the notification appears:

- TM_Kath

- TM_Kath



3 Messages


120 Points

Hi Kath,

Thank you for your reply. I actually want to keep seeing that pop-up, but only when I download an actual file. As mentioned by others above, the issue is that it's showing up when we're not downloading anything. (Even if I did want to stop seeing the pop-up, it comes and goes so fast that there's no time to click the 'Do not show this again' hyperlink.)

Please read phillight2000's post above from 14 days ago for more details. I'm experiencing exactly the same as them.

I'm using Chrome Version 103.0.5060.134 (Official Build) (64-bit). There are no specific websites where the pop-up shows up, it's just random.



14 Messages


414 Points

@tm_kath​ The problem is that this event is timed to be so brief that there is barely time to read it, let alone respond.  Is there, or is there not a log file somewhere that records these alerts so that they can be investigated thoroughly? It's as if, several times a day, you hear someone yell "Look out!," but never learn what the threat is. I typically have 10 or more tabs open in one or two instances of Chrome. Most of them are business-related pages, like Google Drive directories, Zoom-meeting windows, Yahoo Mail, or Gmail.  But it varies. I "clear my cache" regularly, and this has no effect on this phenomenon.    My question stands. Where are these security alerts logged? If they are not, why not?

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


766 Messages


15.4K Points

Hi @fedebuch and @phillight2000,

Let us further investigate what causes the issue. 

Kindly observe and let us know what specific website is open when the notification appears?

Can you also please check if there are any unfinished downloads when the notification appears?

  1. Check if there are recently downloaded files.
  2. Get the file name and link where the file is being downloaded.

- TM_Kath

- TM_Kath

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


766 Messages


15.4K Points

@phillight2000, there are no logs of the notifications because the purpose of these notifications is just to let you know that the files downloaded on your device are safe.

We can take your query as feedback and will pass it to our Developers. Cheers!

- TM_Kath

- TM_Kath



14 Messages


414 Points

2 years ago

I got this request in an email:

"Can you also please check if there are any unfinished downloads when the notification appears?

1. Check if there are recently downloaded files.
2. Get the file name and link where the file is being downloaded."

That is no small task. I use my computer for business. I may have 20 or more windows open at any one time. I have at least three instances of Google Chrome open. One instance will have a couple of tabs open with my two most often referred-to Google Docs or Airtable spreadsheets open.

Another is a personal browser - which currently has 28 tabs open: Yahoo Mail (this tab), Trend Micro community, Quora, Facebook, whitewall.com (a company where I order large-scale photographic prints), gaulard.com (an Adobe Photoshop discussion forum), Yahoo News, Daily Wire News, Google Drive, Etsy, Dropbox, Wikipedia, Storyworth, 2-3 airtable documents, Signwell (like DocuSign), the back end of our non-profit's website, petapixel.com and sso.teachable.com (photoshop articles).

Another instance is a business-only browser that currently has 21 tabs open - almost all of them are Google Docs, but also two different business Gmail accounts and my Google Calendar.

I have five folders open on my task bar, also Excel, Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat, Slack, Microsoft Teams and a Zoom window.

As you can see, "Check if there are recently downloaded files." and "Get the file name and link where the file is being downloaded" are difficult tasks. I'm very busy and rely on quality software to monitor my computer for unsafe files.

My online hygiene is good. I don't click on random links on Facebook, I don't visit sketchy websites. I never open unknown executables or attachments. The solution seems to be to fix the Trend software so that it provides meaningful information when an alert is triggered. Right now, it's like someone screaming "DANGER, DANGER!" without pointing to the actual danger.

Also, since others are having this same issue, I prefer to keep the discussions public so they can benefit as well, without having to jump through a bunch of hoops or duplicating what I'm doing. This is all very time-consuming.

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


766 Messages


15.4K Points

Hi @phillight2000,

We appreciate your time in sharing your experience.

It truly requires time and effort to gather the information we requested. Gathering of information needed is now up to investigate what causes the issue.

We'll keep you posted for any updates.

- TM_Kath

- TM_Kath



14 Messages


414 Points

Well, one issue is to write the software better so it provides meaningful alerts instead of secretive warning flashes that aren't helpful in looking for the problem. Or even determining IF there is a problem.

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


766 Messages


15.4K Points

Hi @phillight2000 and Community members,

We are now investigating what causes the issue. We'll let you know if there will be any updates. Cheers!

- TM_Kath

- TM_Kath



14 Messages


414 Points

@tm_kath​ Thanks very much. Standing by.

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


766 Messages


15.4K Points

@phillight2000, we'll keep you updated!

- TM_Kath

- TM_Kath

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


766 Messages


15.4K Points

2 years ago

Hello, Community Members!

Our Developers have found out that the Chrome browser has an automatic downloads feature which is a possible reason for the issue. Please try to turn off this feature and monitor if the issue will persist. Here is how:

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Click the three dots at the upper-right corner of the screen then click Settings.
  3. Select Privacy and security.
  4. Select Site Settings.
  5. Expand Additional permissions.
  6. Choose Automatic Downloads.
  7. Change the default behavior to Don't allow sites to automatically download multiple files.

Please monitor 24-48 hours after you change the Chrome browser settings and let us know the result.

- TM_Kath



2 Messages


90 Points



My PC has been getting unwanted downloaded file(s) and Trend Micro continues to flag them as healthy / ok files. 

I will be trying the fix above, but I don't think these files are downloaded from [only] Chrome. I was using a Application (Github Desktop) and while uploading files, it decided to unexpectedly download a unwanted file. 
This is not the first time. I was using another application (Discord) and while using it, my PC downloaded another unwanted file that trend micro flag as ok. 
These files are clearly not ok to be downloaded since there are nowhere to be found. 

It would be great to have a feature where trend micros console gives you the option to view downloaded files. At least the ones it flagged. 

For reference, attached is a screenshot of the unwanted file(s) that keep downloading without user permission.
Seems like everyone else here may be having a similar issue. 



4 Messages


180 Points



I have not seen the pop-ups for a couple of days, but when I started my Google this morning two random numbers popped up. At that point, there was nothing I could do to catch the numbers. So, I started to the don't allow sites fix and right afterward, the pop-up came up. I was unable to take a picture because I was looking at the instructions on how to do it again from my previous computer. I will definitely monitor it to see if it comes up again. 

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


766 Messages


15.4K Points

Hi @setthestage18 & @ag1972 ,

Welcome to Trend Micro Home Users Community!

Thanks for letting us know about your experience. We are now checking other possible reasons for the issue. We'll keep you updated.

- TM_Kath

- TM_Kath



2 Messages


90 Points

Hello @tm_kath
I went ahead tried the fix provided by you and its now been up to 14 days since. 
Unfortunately, the fix did not work. The following two files were automatically downloaded without my permission. Trend Micro flagged them as "safe". 

Screenshot for reference. 



7 Messages


220 Points

I am also getting this same message every day. The TM suggested Chrome setting solution above didn't work. I'm assuming this is a TM bug which has still not been resolved, correct ?




7 Messages


220 Points

2 years ago

Would be cool if Trend Micro had a solution for this issue after 6 months.

This comment was created from this reply



7 Messages


220 Points

2 years ago

I finally uninstalled my Trend Micro Internet Security application then installed Trend Micro's Maximum Security application. Automatic download files issue went away. Also, the Device > PC Health Checkup feature started working again.



7 Messages


220 Points


Spoke too soon. The download notifications returned. Well, I guess you can only click the "Do not show again" option in these notifications and hope it goes away. Meanwhile, Chrome continues the download mystery files automatically, and that's just fine because we all know we can trust Google. ;>


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