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Friday, April 21st, 2023 5:55 AM


Earth Day 2023: Invest in Our Planet



Happy Earth Day, dear community!


This Saturday, April 22, 2023, we will celebrate our beautiful planet and its wonders.  Earth is truly a treasure that we must cherish and protect. #EarthDay2023 #InvestInOurPlanet



On this special day, let's come together as a community to invest in our planet and appreciate the natural world around us. Let's take this opportunity to reflect on how our actions impact the environment and commit to making positive changes that will help preserve our planet for future generations. We can start small, as an individual we can do beach clean-ups, reduce-reuse-recycle at home, and simply throw our garbage properly. There's no planet B, everywhere you go always remember only to leave footprints. 



We can also join local/online community movements that aim to reduce our carbon footprint, volunteer in tree planting activities, or support organizations and brands that promote sustainability and conservation. It takes all of us to create a more sustainable and thriving world.



Let's join hands and work towards a greener, healthier, and happier Earth. Happy Earth Day!






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Elite Solutionist


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1 year ago


I volunteer 3 times a month at a Repair Café in Amsterdam, we repair from phones to bikes. That is a worldwide organization. Founded in Amsterdam.

Tos it?

No Way!!!

Kind regards,


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866 Messages


34.9K Points

Thanks for sharing @tom_emmelot​!

 I agree, I am a tinker myself, why replace it if we can still repair it? Or repurpose it, like old tires into plant pots.

Good to hear from you.

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34.9K Points

1 year ago

Hope you had a wonderful Earth Day weekend! I'm curious, how did you choose to celebrate and show your appreciation for our planet?

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Trend Security Expert


4 Messages


230 Points

@tm_kree Honestly, I did not do anything super for Earth Day. Though I still make little effort to show some love for our planet.

On my rest day, I took a break from my phone and laptop and hung out near the trees in our yard. It was pretty chill, it was good to feel the fresh air and appreciate nature occasionally despite our busy work life.

Brand User

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750 Points

Hi @tm_kree 

For me, I make it a habit to put my trash in the right place where it needs to be, especially the plastics that I use, because I know all of this could end up in waterways or canals that could lead to rivers, lakes, or the sea, and as fishing is one of my favorite leisure activities, this could have a massive effect on it.

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640 Points

1 year ago

Hi @tm_kree ,

I believe even small actions can make a big difference when it comes to protecting our planet.

On Earth Day, what I do is reduce my energy consumption by turning off lights and electronics when I'm not using them. I also make sure to use reusable bags, water bottles, and food containers instead of single-use items. By taking these actions, I can help reduce waste and contribute to a healthier planet.

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1.1K Points

1 year ago

Hi @tm_kree

I believe that every day is Earth Day, and I strive to live in a way that is mindful of the environment. I am always conscious of my surroundings and take steps to minimize my impact on the planet, such as reducing waste and conserving energy. By doing these small actions every day, I hope to inspire others to join me in protecting our planet and creating a more sustainable future. Let's work together to make everyday Earth Day!

Have a nice EARTH DAY!

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