


1 Message


100 Points

Monday, June 12th, 2023 7:43 PM


Disable or Turn Off Pay Guard

Every time I open Amazon, it opens, and then it re-opens in Pay Guard.  It only does this with Amazon.  I don't want to use Pay Guard at all.  How do I turn it off?  At the very lease how can I turn it off or disable it for Amazon only?



11 Messages


480 Points

1 year ago

Damn it! I just went to the Best Buy website because that's where I got my "protection" from Trend Micro, and figured that's the place to cancel my subscription. And these damn pop-ups kept jumping up every page I went to! 

On the bright side, that convinced me to say ta-ta to TM. I don't care if I'm eating more than half of my subscription purchase - I can't get anything done with the pop-ups intruding on my browser every time I  try to do something.

Great job Trend Micro!

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


131 Messages


2.7K Points

Hi @mpmcbride

We are already aware of this issue and raised it to our designated team to investigate. For the meantime, you may temporarily disable Trend Micro Toolbar when accessing these websites. We still recommend using Pay Guard as it offers additional protection for your transactions. Hoping for your patience and understanding with this issue.



1 Message


70 Points

Yes, I am having the same problem. Pay Guard is making every website I use unusable. Even if I choose to close the PayGuard window that pops up, it keeps coming back up. I will also cancel my subscription if this continues.


Brand User

Trend Security Expert


236 Messages


4.8K Points

Hi @eswaininc​, 

Thank you for your patience! We are working on a solution for this issue, once it becomes available we will post it here. 

Have a great day!




1 Message


170 Points

Clearly I am not alone here. You need to fix this problem NOW!



6 Messages


370 Points

@tm_carlo​ WHEN???????????????????SEND ME A NOTICE OR TAKE IT OFF WITH MY PERMISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


160 Messages


3.3K Points

1 year ago

Hello Trend Micro Home Users,

We would like to extend our sincerest apologies for all the inconvenience this issue has brought you. We understand how frustrating this can be. Our team is doing everything we can to resolve this concern in the soonest time possible. Rest assured that we'll keep you posted with any updates or solutions regarding this issue.

Hoping for your patience and understanding regarding this matter. 




11 Messages


480 Points

1 year ago

Why don't you just "undo" the last update, and roll out the previous version of the software? I don't recall people complaining at all about the previous version, or asking for this stupid pay guard crap that you shoved down our throats with this version.



3 Messages


160 Points

1 year ago

Nothing works!  Best option is to find another anti-virus program.



311 Messages


7.6K Points


TM has a very low detection rate AV Comparatives.

Try Defender from Microsoft. 99% detection rate 



11 Messages


480 Points

@claudiubotezatu​ Thank you for the recommendation. This fiasco foist upon us by TM is bad enough - the slow response, including many times recommending a fix that DOESN'T WORK is a bridge too far. What a joke!



11 Messages


480 Points

Great job, Trend Micro - I can't even watch Prime Video without your damn Pay Guard windows popping up over and over. Well done. Screw the apologies and start handing out refunds. This sucks.

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


76 Messages


1.6K Points

Hi @gjames5​ and @mpmcbride,

We really apologized for all the trouble you had to experience with this issue. We really felt the need to address this problem immediately so we have released a hotfix for this issue. Check our kb link below:
Trend Micro Pay Guard opens unlisted websites | Trend Micro Help Center

You may use the hotfix above to resolve the issue. Also, a general update will be deployed to all customers as a fix on this issue that will happen on the 29th of June.






3 Messages


160 Points

1 year ago

Just installed Norton 360- I'm done!



1 Message


70 Points

1 year ago

I went in google chrome and turned off the extension and so far no more pop ups.  This has been very frustrating.

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


76 Messages


1.6K Points

Hi @lbrush119,

Thank you for the effort in doing the workaround solution. 

We really felt the need to address this problem immediately so we have released a hotfix for this issue. Check our kb link below:
Trend Micro Pay Guard opens unlisted websites | Trend Micro Help Center

You may use the hotfix above to resolve the issue. Also, a general update will be deployed to all customers as a fix on this issue that will happen on the 29th of June. And we suggest that you can re-activate the TM toolbar.






2 Messages


90 Points

1 year ago




311 Messages


7.6K Points



AV Comparatives,

March 2023

Trend Micro: 97.2%

Microsoft Defender (free): 99.98%

Sep 2022

Trend Micro: 97.4%

Microsoft Defender (free): 99.99%




6 Messages


370 Points

1 year ago


Brand User

Trend Security Expert


76 Messages


1.6K Points

Hi @danigordon2,

We apologized for the inconvenience that this issue has brought you. We have released a hotfix for this issue. Check our kb link below:
Trend Micro Pay Guard opens unlisted websites | Trend Micro Help Center

You may use the hotfix above to resolve the issue. Also, a general update will be deployed to all customers as a fix on this issue that will happen on the 29th of June.



Brand User

Trend Security Expert


866 Messages


34.9K Points

1 year ago

Thank you for your patience. 


We take this matter seriously. Our product team is working tirelessly to resolve the issue. 


In the meantime, we have requested a hotfix. As soon as it is ready, we will update this thread with all the details. 



1 Message


70 Points

1 year ago

If you use Google Chrome, use the Extension Manager to disable the "Trend Micro Toolbar" - it stops Pay Guard from opening new windows. Of course, it also disables all toolbar features, but at least it is a work-around until TM fixes the software correctly.

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


76 Messages


1.6K Points

Hi @paorders​,

Thank you for the effort in doing the workaround solution. 

We really felt the need to address this problem immediately so we have released a hotfix for this issue. Check our kb link below:
Trend Micro Pay Guard opens unlisted websites | Trend Micro Help Center

You may use the hotfix above to resolve the issue. Also, a general update will be deployed to all customers as a fix on this issue that will happen on the 29th of June. And we suggest that you can re-activate the TM toolbar.



Brand User

Trend Security Expert


236 Messages


4.8K Points

1 year ago

Hi Trend Micro Users Community!

Thank you for your patience and understanding with regards to this concern.

The fix will be included in the upcoming update to be released this June. In the meantime, please run the hotfix provided in the article below:

Trend Micro Pay Guard opens unlisted websites


Hope this helps!



11 Messages


480 Points

@tm_carlo​ Forgive me if I am extremely reluctant to download and execute this hotfix, as my faith in Trend Micro is EXTREMELY low right now, and I'm sincerely afraid of you creating even worse problems on my computer. 

Frankly, reading that message makes me think the problem is even worse. What do you mean by "Pay Guard list?" I don't have a Pay Guard list, and never have had one. I don't have any list telling Pay Guard where it should open a Pay Guard window, since I didn't know anything about Pay Guard before this ginormous screw-up, and didn't feel the need for (or desire for) Pay Guard. 



311 Messages


7.6K Points

"Forgive me if I am extremely reluctant to download and execute this hotfix"

So, what do you want then???? They provided a solution ,if you do not want to follow, stop complaining.


Brand User

Trend Security Expert


76 Messages


1.6K Points

Hi @mpmcbride,

We understand that you felt reluctant on downloading the hotfix. Rest assured that this is safe and one of the users already confirmed that the hotfix worked. Thank you for the confirmation @rongbingham.

Please refer to the hotfix below: 
Trend Micro Pay Guard opens unlisted websites

The pay guard list can be seen in the main console of the program under the Privacy tab. So the unlisted websites will trigger the pay guard to open up if you didn't enter anything on the list field. 

Hope this helps. Thanks!






3 Messages


140 Points

1 year ago

I have followed the instructions on how to disable Pay Guard but it ignores me and takes over my computer no matter what I do. I am considering replacing Trend Micro. It has worked well for me but it seems to want to take over with no way to stop it!

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


131 Messages


2.7K Points

Hi @tizdalyfe 

Hi @marthur1216,

We have released a hotfix for this issue. Check our kb link below:
Trend Micro Pay Guard opens unlisted websites | Trend Micro Help Center

The fix on this issue will be included on the next June update possibly on the 29th. For the meantime, you may use this hotfix to resolve the issue.




1 Message


70 Points

1 year ago

I also am being Tormented by Pay Guard.

It is really irritating, and it is cultivating a desire to change my Antivirus Provider.

"The instructions on how to turn it off Do Not Work."

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


76 Messages


1.6K Points

Hi @thomasgalligar,

Welcome to Trend Micro Home Users Community. 

We apologized for the inconvenience that this issue has brought you. We have released a hotfix for this issue. Check our kb link below:
Trend Micro Pay Guard opens unlisted websites | Trend Micro Help Center

You may use the hotfix above to resolve the issue. Also, a general update will be deployed to all customers as a fix on this issue that will happen on the 29th of June.






2 Messages


90 Points

1 year ago

HEY DUMBASSES. STOP BLOWING UP MY INBOX. Download the hotfix, wait for the full update, or stfu. Please use your brain for 5 seconds



1 Message


70 Points

1 year ago

Having the same problem as everyone else. Still having the Pay Guard screen open up even after it was supposedly disabled or "the box was unchecked."

I've had Trend Micro for years & have never had an issue with it until now. Please give us the option to turn off the Pay Guard. We can always turn it back on if needed.

Thank you! 

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


160 Messages


3.3K Points

Hi @robinson9701​,

Welcome to Trend Micro Home Users Community.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that this issue has brought you. We have released a hotfix for this issue. Kindly check the article below:

Trend Micro Pay Guard opens unlisted websites | Trend Micro Help Center

The fix on this issue will be included on the next update. For the meantime, you may use this hotfix to resolve the issue.

Hope this helps.


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