rodjsmith's profile

2 Messages


130 Points

Thursday, March 23rd, 2017 11:25 PM


How do I disable the password manager LOGIN pop-up?

Currently, I have the "Always sign into websites without asking" option turned off.

Consequently, every website I visit that TMPM recognises, it pops up a window in the top right corner of the browser asking one of two questions:

1. If I have not logged into TM with my master password, it asks me for the master password.
2. If I have logged into TM with my master password, it asks me "Choose the account to sign in with"

When I want to visit a website without logging in I don't want to be constantly bothered with pop ups asking for my master password or asking which account to sign in with.

I don't seem to be able to find anything in the settings to change this behaviour.

Is there a way of disabling this pop up so that when I visit a website (and I don't want to log in) I can be pop-up free and stay logged out until I click on the TM addon button in the browser toolbar and opt to log in by selecting a login option from the menu.

21 Messages


390 Points

7 years ago

Hi @rodjsmith and welcome to the community!

I understand that you have the "Always sign into websites without asking" option turned off and you want to visit a website without logging in. However, a pop message from Password Manager appears every time you visit a website it recognizes.

If you are trying to visit a website where you already have a saved password (but you do not want to log in), we would suggest that you disable the Password Manager temporarily on the Settings of your web browser.

To know how to disable Password Manager on your web browser, please refer to the link below:

Disabling Password Manager in web browsers

On the other hand, if you are trying to visit a website where you do not want Password Manager to save passwords, you may add the website on the Exception List tab on Password Manager's Settings. Please refer to the link below:

Using Password Manager's Exception List

Please let us know if you have any further inquiries. 

Thanks so much for posting here in our Trend Micro Community and wish you have a great day! :)

Trend Micro Home User Community

2 Messages


130 Points

7 years ago

Disabling the password manager kind of feels like a sledgehammer solution.

Let me give you an example scenario. I am a moderator for a forum I visit. Sometimes I just want to quickly visit the forum without logging in, so I can read any new messages. It's a low volume gaming group forum, so there's typically not a lot of new content each day.

Assuming there is nothing that needs moderating, I can just read what's there without logging in and then be on my way. Sometimes, however, there's an inappropriate comment etc that needs fixing/editing/moving etc so I have to log in, make the change and then log out.

So, when I first arrive at the forum, I don't want TMPM to bug me with a pop up to log in, since when I visit the forum, it's highly likely that I won't need to log in.

If I DO need to log in, I would rather click the TMPM toolbar button and tell TMPM that I want to login at this time.

Does that make sense?

485 Messages


10.6K Points

7 years ago

Hello @rodjsmith. Thanks for your response.

We understand the point that you are presenting. However, the Trend Micro Password Manager is designed to automatically login the user to the website that the user chose. 

May we know if you have already tried doing the Exception List Solution provided above? If you have set that website on the Trend Micro Password Manager Exception list, the Trend Micro Password Manager extension will not trigger the login automatically. It will be only providing you access by opening the Password Manager Console on the browser and choose to login through it.

Using Password Manager's Exception List

Let us know if this solution suits your preference.

Have a wonderful day!

Trend Micro Home User Community

3 Messages


130 Points

7 years ago

Let's keep this simple
To use the Exception List feature of Password Manager, follow to the instructions below:
 Adding a Website to the Exception List
  1. Open the Management Console.
  2. Access Settings by clicking your Account Name > Settings.
  3. Click to add a website.
  4. Type or paste the address of the website you want to add to the exception list. Click OK.

 I hope this is making it easier for you! RFS ll

2 Messages


130 Points

6 years ago

I see nothing that tells me how to use MicroTrend Manager with out signing on to it first.

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