lenvdr's profile



28 Messages


724 Points

Sunday, October 25th, 2020 5:38 PM


Trend desktop App brilliant, Trend Mobile Pain in the (0) butt about to remove it.

I use trend Max on all my desktops and recommend it to all other PC users, but Trend mobile gives me messages all day ling telling me I need to give more access to more things but does not tell me what. I don't give access to things like My Microphone, my Camera, or anything confidential, I also don't use Social media or twitter but am asked to sign in to them and give trend app access to them, Do I need to create social accounts to use Trend?

I at one time gave Google access to my photo's and it was not long before I saw my personal family photos all over the place, and even got a message from Google saying what lovely pictures I have, one was also a personal picture of my wife and daughter at a whine farm that was taken on my phone.

Please tell me how I can stop getting messages saying my phone is at risk because I am not sharing my camera and Mic and do not use my phone for any social media or twitter, is trend mobile security only meant for Kids. Hope Trend can fix the problem or I will need to move to a proper security App. Trust me share your mic and camera on your phone the hacking world will have full access to them and No AV app will stop them. If Microsoft or Adobe can check what other apps you run on your computer and the validity of all your apps via the back doors in their apps, so can hackers use them. and when you agree to any of their "I Agree" you have given away all your rights to privacy anyway and opened your PC to for other to do the same. We need security software these days and that why we spend money on buying apps like Trend etc, but we do not need privacy theft of our use and data. Trend, we need you so protect our data and do not use it for financial gain and use or sale of our confidential data.

Accepted Solution

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


766 Messages


15.4K Points

4 years ago

Hi lenvdr,


Welcome to Trend Micro Home Users Community.


We are glad you like the Trend Micro for computers.


For Mobile Security, some features of the app need permission to work properly but this does not include microphone permission. All permissions ask are merely for the app to utilize its features and protect your device effectively. Social media accounts are not required to use Mobile Security. If you do not have any social media accounts, you may tap the ignore button. Also, all collected information is kept secure.


To stop receiving messages that your phone is at risk, run a scan then fix the things indicated in the result.


How to Fix Issues after Running a Scan


I hope this helps.


- TM_Kath



28 Messages


724 Points

Accepted Solution



28 Messages


724 Points

4 years ago

Hi Katherine,

Appreciate the reply but had so many problems since the app was installed, today my Accuweather app on my Sony Xperia stopped working and started displaying Adverts non stop and covered everything behind it. this has never happened before and I cant un-install the app.

Not sure what to do at the moment but these things disrupt my Work-Flow, Just going to dump Android and its adds in all apps, my wife has an iPhone, weather has no adds and after many years with Microsoft and Android am going out to upgrade to Apple, it seems secure without all the add-ons. She has never had a single problem, I just do not like the interface and incompatibility, Just called a supplier for iPhone but they say no USB 3 C port yet on phones so will have to wait till that happens. It is now on Apple Laptops and even has Thunderbolt built in. Thanks Again.

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


766 Messages


15.4K Points

Hi lenvdr,


We need to check if the issue is caused by Mobile Security. Can you try to uninstall the app then check if the issue persists? Here is a guide if you cannot uninstall it:


Uninstall Mobile Security for Android


If the issue persists after uninstalling the app, Mobile Security might not be causing the issue and I suggest reinstalling Mobile Security.


I hope this helps.


- TM_Kath

- TM_Kath



28 Messages


724 Points

Hi Katherine,

Did as you suggested and uninstalled Mobile security, after doing that I was able to uninstall AccuWeather app that was giving problems, and phone behaving itself, did a new download of AccuWeather and it that seems to work again, left for a few days and then reinstalled Trend Mobile, Weather App still working but the other problems are back, I did go through the procedure of allowing most things and saying ignore to things I do not use on phone at all like Social Media and Twitter. But problem back Trend messages keep popping up every few minutes, check the scan ad it says gives a Big green tick and says "You have no concerns to fix" but still reports concerns several concerns like "Protection at Risk" and allow all permissions to use ALL features and it is quite persistent, just keeps doing it non stop and disrupts my work and time. I attach some screen clips and repeats itself to the extent of disabling the ability at times of doing a screen capture, had to take my wife's phone to get a picture of the Protection at Risk one. Thanks for your help anyhow its appreciated.



28 Messages


724 Points

Sorry here are the rest of the clips I was supposed to send you.

Hope this helps. if I can just block these I will be Happy.

3 Messages


140 Points

4 years ago

It wasn't your ap. It was Google. If you own an Android, Google owns it. They can see everything displayed on the face of your phone know everything you type. The problem is that they don't know what to keep private and what to share. (I wonder if anyone has committed suicide because of something Google shared.) They should be prosecuted.
Guy made the right move moving to Apple; I'm sure they have the same capability, but I'm sure they have better discretion. Maybe you should consider pulling the app from Android phones until they get their act together. You'll probably just deal with the complaints, and that is your choice
Brand User



739 Messages


10.2K Points

Hi mail_me_33611,


I understand your concerns regarding your privacy. Rest assured that the settings or permissions required by Mobile Security are intended to utilize the features of the app. 

For more information you may check this page:
- TM_Reine
Brand User



445 Messages


8.6K Points

4 years ago

Hi lenvdr,


Kindly open the Trend Micro mobile security and go to settings, after that can you confirm if the option "Display the app icon on the status bar" has a check on it.


If it doesn't, kindly check the box and monitor if the Trend Micro mobile security application will still notify you about the permissions.


I hope this helps.


- TM_Angelo



28 Messages


724 Points

no it did not have a tick so ticked it and now keeps displaying Trend is protecting your device permanently. so unticked it again. On my desktop trend protects it when the computer is on, so trend mobile should protect my phone when it is ON as well without permanently telling me it is protecting my phone, why would I need to protect my phone when it is off, that is hopefully impossible that the phone can run apps when it is off. When the phones display is off apps can then still run on it but when background apps are running Trends should still be checking any misbehaving of these apps, like incoming mail or other downloads and access activity from the internet. I think a smartphone's protection is more complex as unlike a PC that is mostly on only when in use, whereas phones need to be on 99.9% of the time the protection software should be even smarter and possibly much more sophisticated. Thanks anyway for the advice and help, our chats are not meant to slam the software but will without doubt help improve it. Take Care. ☺

Brand User



116 Messages


1.8K Points

We are sorry for your experience lenvdr. Good to know that everything's all good now. We'll let our product developers know your suggestion to evaluate how they can make it possible in the future.


Let us know if you need assistance in the future







4 Messages


210 Points

4 years ago

I agree... my battery life has halved since putting trend on my phone. Messages and prompts all day long seem to drain it. Also agree re Google. They asked me for full access to my phone some time ago. I said no to the promy and now cant use my Gmail account unless I say yes to thier full access. Google should be prosecuted for blackmailing clients.. Re Trend.. very complicating messages dont make me feel safe they make me feel nervous.
Brand User

Trend Security Expert


766 Messages


15.4K Points

Hi mike31nz,


Welcome to Trend Micro Home User Community.


To verify this, can you send us a screenshot of the battery usage of your device where it shows the percentage used by Trend Micro Mobile Security?


How to take a screenshot


Also, please provide us the following information:


Device Operating System:

Mobile Security App Version:


Awaiting your response.


- TM_Kath

- TM_Kath



28 Messages


724 Points

Hi Mike, Yes you are quite correct and it is annoying, but Trend is quite good and seems to behave on a desktop, Only problem I ever had with it on a desktop was when a support company did a Software repair on one of our computers and ran some fixing app from his memory stick, my trend program trashed some of the apps on his memory stick and they wanted to bill for the damages to their data. Well what a fight but as a retired ex IT professional, I found that trend did not detect any viruses or attacks from the stick but found Hacking Applications on the stick and just deleted over 20 of them without prompting. The trend app did give me a a list of apps it deleted but too late the tech had left with his stick. We tried to recover his lost apps that were actually a harmless mixture of Key generators and serial number recovering apps. Trend call them unwanted apps, but some years back I myself legally purchased a key recovery app as we could not remember what Office License key was installed on each machine so could not reinstall after a disk crash. Even worse when I sold my company I kept several computers but all had office 2013 installed on them I only had one disk at home, the company traded all the original PC's in on new ones and replaced office with a few 365 office and some put back office 2010 as they preferred it. so now I also had to replace with office 2010 after cleaning up the machines as office 2013 licenses are on Microsoft Servers and the persons that installed office did not register them when installing. Sneaky Microsoft, and the app I had could not detect the 2013 keys. Fortunately kept the boxes of the original office 2010 and could install that as it allows for one desktop and one laptop but 2013 only one machine.

So do not trust anyone they are all thieves MS, Google and Adobe are the biggest as well as the highest risk of your system being hacked due to their built in back doors and agreeing to them owning your computer and your information before you can use the app you paid for. And USA believe the Russians and Chinese are bad, they should make sure their own house is clean first. "Once upon a time" I trusted Microsoft but that's a fairy tale now.



28 Messages


724 Points

Now tried everything still same problem reporting Allow permissions to use all features, even when no concerns

are found. Maybe its just an Android problem.

Now just waiting for Apple to make a phone with a compatible USB 3 C type connector, and be able to copy photos taken in a compatible format readable and viewable in Windows and all Graphics and photo editing apps like Coral Photo Paint and many others, and not the proprietary HEIC compression format. I am now fed up with android apps and their bugs and intrusive adverts making 99% of their apps useless and data hungry. Now when I look at the weather report app all I see are video's. Trend work a way to get rid of this and you will be famous. I understand that iPhones are getting over 34% of the world mobile phone market and seems mainly to do with Security and good Standard Installed Apps. The same weather app on my wife's Apple has no adverts and no intrusive popups.

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


766 Messages


15.4K Points

Thank you for your suggestion, lenvdr. We'll pass it to our R&D team, and they'll have it checked if that will be possible on future updates.


- TM_Kath

- TM_Kath



28 Messages


724 Points

Thanks, Shure Hope so, as the Desktop app is excellent in almost every aspect, just has a small problem when using Trends very helpful Spam filter in Office Outlook, Outlook wont close for quite some time, and if one closes outlook by mistake instead of minimising, it can't be opened again for sometime, between 5 to 15 or more minutes as it remains in a closing state (open but greyed out in the taskbar), it is either caused by the outlook data .pst file problem or the spam filter application preventing it from closing, maybe checking for more spam, I think Trend is aware of the problem as it has been known for a couple of years. Outlook seems to use File Locking instead of Record locking, this also prevents syncing or backup apps being able to back their files up till Outlook is closed completely. This has still not been solved. Rest of the App is Tops.

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