


1 Message


20 Points

Thursday, October 31st, 2019 7:33 AM


Trend Micro slowing MacBook after update to Catalina

I upgraded to Catalina 10.15.1 and was almost unable to use internet. Connection was either slow or non-existent. Was adviced to uninstall Trend Micro and restart laptop. I did this and it fixed the problem. I am now without security on my laptop. Please sort this out ASAP.

2 Messages


20 Points

5 years ago

So my 30 days trial just ended and i decided to renew it for 1 year and i have the same problem about the interent browser its so slow and i just updated my macbookpro to catalina. and everytime i try to scan my mac it would not allow me becasue of the full disk access. I already did follow the instructions but it wont work. And whenever i try to on the button for camera and microphone protection it will give me this prompt. i already uninstall and reinstall it back to see if there would be changes but nothing happend same problem. I hope you could help and fix this problem.



Brand User



361 Messages


5.4K Points

Hi, akgerente. Welcome to the Trend Micro Community!


Please download the latest version of the Antivirus for Mac here: Upgrading your Trend Micro Security for Mac to the latest version. After installing the latest version, try to enable the Full Disk Access by following the instructions provided on this link: Enabling Full Disk Access for your Trend Micro Antivirus for Mac

Once the Full Disk Access is enabled, you may try to turn on the Camera and Microphone Protection.


Hope this helps and let me know how it goes.



3 Messages


30 Points

5 years ago

As of Nov 13, the solutions descibed here do not work. After a while (sometimes hours) the system will slow down, to the point of becoming unusable. This is after following all the instructions described here, to the T. Uninstalling is the only option to get the Mac working again. It would be preferable if Trend could be definitive and state that there is a problem/wait for a solution, as the workarounds described here as solutions have meant that I lost even more time installing and uninstalling.

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


766 Messages


15.4K Points

Hi florian,

The latest update of the program should have fixed the issue. Since you are still encountering the same problem after re-installation of Trend Micro, kindly reply to the email I sent you to continue assisting you with this concern.

We're always happy to hear from you.

- Kath

- TM_Kath

4 Messages


48 Points

I had the same experience. Installed TrendMicro from scretch yesterday morning. Had no access to any web page through safari after lunch time. So deinstalled TrendMicro again. Did not investigate wether it was an issue with the Wifi. At least the mobile using the same Wifi had no issues at this time.

5 Messages


50 Points

5 years ago

Now I installed 10.0.1686.

Loading websites is bad.

This could not be the end of the story!

4 Messages


48 Points

When was Catalina released? About one month ago. For me it is a mistery why Trend Micro was not able to prepare a working product for Catalina. And even more, that after one month it is not working properly.

Brand User

Trend Security Expert


766 Messages


15.4K Points

Hi teegee,

I've sent an email to address this concern.

We'll be glad to receive a response from you.

- Kath

- TM_Kath

5 Messages


50 Points

Hi Kath,

I answered your email.



Brand User



682 Messages


10.1K Points

Hi, teegee.


Yes, we have received your reply. We'll continue your case via email.


Have a great day!


- Kim

Brand User



682 Messages


10.1K Points

5 years ago

Please check if your Trend Micro Antivirus for Mac has the latest version of iCore which is 3.0.1064 and Console version which is 10.0.1086. This should fix the issues with macOS Catalina already. If that is not the iCore and console version of your software, please do a manual update or reinstall the program.


Here's how you can check the versions:


1. Open Trend Micro Antivirus for Mac.

2. At the top-left corner, click Trend Micro Antivirus then go to About Trend Micro Antivirus.

3. Check for the Core Controller version and Console version.



Apologies for the inconvenience. Let us know how it goes.


- Kim

4 Messages


50 Points

5 years ago

You keep repeating the samme fixes, but they simply don't work - it's more than a month now since Catalina was released and this problem still seems to be unresolved. Frankly, I am exasperated and seriously consider changing to another app

Brand User



739 Messages


10.2K Points

5 years ago

Hi kjp,


I've sent an email regarding this concern. We'll be waiting for your response. Thank you.


- Reine

1 Message


10 Points

5 years ago

Im still experiencing the same problem as everyone here. Slow internet. I uninstall trend and everything is fine.

Brand User



268 Messages


3.5K Points

Hi andrew5898984,

I have sent an email regarding this concern.


We'll be waiting for your response. Thank you!



4 Messages


52 Points

5 years ago

Having the same issues here. Applied the hot fix and the shutting down issue stopped for about 2 weeks. Then it returned again. Safari is still slow. My mail will periodically need to be force quit, and I have to shut down my MAC using the power button several times a day. It's pretty sad that a company of this magnitude can't come up with a patch for something that was released 2 months ago. Come on Trend Micro, get it together. Who knows how many users are without antivirus and internet security because of your lackluster attempt to fix your own software. I'm uninstalling this tonight and downloading webroot in the interim. Hopefully a fix is released soon!


Brand User



650 Messages


8.5K Points

Apologies for the inconvenience pogman91.

I have sent you an email about this concern. We'll be waiting for your response. 

Thank you! 

4 Messages


44 Points

5 years ago

I have the same issue on two Macs, one is an iMac and one a Mac Pro. I don't experience the issue on two Mac Book Pros. Please fix this issue asap.

Brand User



650 Messages


8.5K Points

Hi gmarc

Thank you for reaching out to us. I have sent you an email about this concern to further check this. 


4 Messages


44 Points

5 years ago

hi the new release which was 4 weeks ago didnt fix anything....problem still exists, called trend micro support & they were hopeless....you need to listen to your customers there is something seropis;u wrong with TM2020.. it is slowing internet surfing dramatically on any browser I try!

Brand User



682 Messages


10.1K Points

Hi, firasr.


Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for reaching out to us. I have sent you an email about this concern to further check this. 


- Kim

4 Messages


44 Points

I totally agree. This issue is severe as the only help is to uninstall the product which makes TM useless. And support is doing nothing more than collect version information from the users who exeperience this issue.

Brand User



739 Messages


10.2K Points

Hi gmarc,


I sent an email regarding your reply. Please check if you have received it, you may reply on your case number as well for updates.


- Reine

4 Messages


44 Points

5 years ago

Hi Kim, didnt recive your email. I am running Catolina on my Imac and I downloaded the updated TM2020mac released in Nov and it did not solve the problem of the slow loading of websites, espicially websites that stream content such as Netflix & Youtube, even sites such as BBC & CNN are really slow to load (its taking over 8 seconds to load regardless what browser i use). however as soon as i shut TM2020 it is back to normal. i contacted apple & we are both in agreement it is an issue with TM. there is i believe still a problem with the 2020 version

Brand User



650 Messages


8.5K Points

Apologies for the inconvenience,  firasr.

We have been trying to reach out to you but since you cannot see our email we suggest you contact our support.

Contact Trend Micro Technical Support

You may inform them that you have already posted your concern on our Trend Micro Community Page for easier access on your case. 



4 Messages


52 Points

5 years ago

Sending us an email doesn't help. What will help is that the issue is fixed. It has now been 2+ months since the release of Catalina, and yet myself and all the other people posting here are still having issues. So instead of wasting our time, and more importantly wasting your own, why don't you spend your time more wisely and get this fixed. I have now been without anti-virus software for a month, which is ridiculous considering what is paid annually for this. There is absolutely no excuse for a company that prides itself on internet security and antivirus software to let there paying customers go unprotected for this long. So I'll say it again, for everyone in this forum waiting for a fix: Stop wasting our time with useless emails, and post a fix.

Brand User

100 Messages


960 Points

Hi pogman91, we apologize for whatever inconvenience this has caused you.


We need to further isolate the issue by replicating it and collecting some logs. We tried reaching you via email to do this but unfortunately we are not receiving any response.


I've reopen your previous case and sent you an email, I will be assisting you from there.



4 Messages


44 Points

5 years ago

I have called TM and they maintain the problem was fixed with the last release in Nov 2019 & i was advised to uninstall & reinstall which is pathetic cause i did that a moth ago & problem still wasnt fixed. TM helpdesk is unhelpful to be frank. So i gave up after being TM user for 5 years i have decided to go to Mcafee. if TM cant fix the problem in 2 months since Catalina's release then what do you expect users to do? doesnt leave us with alot of confidence, so we will find it elsewhere that simple. the sad thing is that as users we are not eligable for refunds espiecially when the problem is not of our own making but TMs.

Brand User

100 Messages


960 Points

Hi firasr,


Sorry to hear of your experience. If you have any suggestions on how we could improve and enhance our support please don't hesitate to share them with us.


While we’re sad to see you go, we completely respect your decision for choosing another product. We do hope that you’ll always be safe in your online journey.


Regarding the issue about Catalina, don't worry we are currently checking it.



2 Messages


20 Points

5 years ago

Hello folks,

Having been one of the original posters on this problem. I thought i would return for an update. After several weeks of waiting my Mac is still experiencing problems loading web pages. The quick fix solution is to stop TM. After that everything returns to normal. Can TM please take some ownership of this problem and propose a solution (or give up offering a Mac solution). Thanks :)

Brand User

100 Messages


960 Points

Hi higgo2910,


I have sent you an email about this concern.


We'll be waiting for your response. Thank you!


4 Messages


52 Points

5 years ago

@mariella_fernandez - I don't have the time to sit there and email back and forth about an issue that Trend Micro should be handling. With all the posts in this forum, you should know what the issues is by now, and the only thing left to do is fix it. Stop wasting everyone's time with 'I've sent you an email', or 'I apologize for any inconvenience'. It's going on 3 months now and it's absolutely absurd that there hasn't been a fix sent out for this. You and your team just offer cop-out after cop-out posts because you know it's broken, and there is no fix yet. So again, stop wasting the Trend Micro community's valuable time and email a developer that might be able to actually fix this issue instead. This software has been uninstalled from my macbook for sometime now, and will not be re-installed until I know it's fixed. And when my subscription is up, I will be taking my business elsewhere.

Brand User



650 Messages


8.5K Points

Hi pogman91,

We have already released a fix for this issue on our last software update. If you are still encountering an issue, we would appreciate it if you could send us your callback for our senior Engineer to further check your device since it's possible that there are other software components or settings that may contribute to the issue.

- Ann

4 Messages


44 Points

This is ridiculous, this issue exists now since months and TM support is still asking me to install an old Hotfix that everybody knows it's not working. TM has no clue how to solve it which really doesn't give me much confidence in a company that is supposed to protect us from malicious software! At least you should give us a refund for our useless licences!

Brand User



682 Messages


10.1K Points

Hi, gmarc.


Apologies for the inconvenience. We have already sent you an email to have our Senior Engineer contact you over the phone for further checking of this case.


Awaiting for your response.


- Kim

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